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Who We Are

The Fisheries and Aquaculture Services Corporation of Venezuela (CORPESCA, S.A.) is a decentralized entity with business purposes, with administrative, budgetary, financial, and management autonomy, affiliated with the Ministry of Popular Power for Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPPPA), in accordance with the provisions of the Law and other applicable legal norms.

It was created by Decree 2,326 of May 19, 2016, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 40,907 of the same date. Its main objective is to contribute to the development of the national fisheries and aquaculture sector as a socio-productive alternative through the provision of services such as storage, distribution, and marketing of products and by-products generated from fishing and aquaculture. This is done under the principles of sustainability and sustainability in all maritime, river, and lacustrine spaces, both national and international, aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of the Venezuelan people, guaranteeing constitutional principles of sovereignty and food security.

Among its attributions is social productive development focused on the phases of management, service provision, and administration, including the purchase, sale, acquisition, import, export of fishery and aquaculture products and by-products. It must take on all logistical services, primary production, processing, distribution, and marketing, among others, of lawful commerce.

It is important to note that with the establishment of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Services Corporation of Venezuela (CORPESCA, S.A.), the Ministry of Popular Power for Fisheries and Aquaculture obtains an executing arm of direct distribution policies to the Venezuelan population. This fulfills the goal of connecting the fishing population with the most vulnerable communities in terms of food.


Contribute to the National Government in the development of the national fisheries and aquaculture sector as a socio-productive alternative through the administration and promotion of services and marketing of products and by-products generated from fishing and aquaculture. This is done under the principles of sustainability and sustainability in all maritime, river, and lacustrine spaces, both national and international, aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of the Venezuelan people, guaranteeing constitutional principles of sovereignty and food security.


Establish itself as a Venezuelan state company that optimally promotes the growth of the national fisheries and aquaculture sector, laying the foundation for its sustainable development. This is done through the use of all state resources to achieve its national objectives and supported by a solid and modern technological platform.